Mahi Saher
4 min readJun 16, 2024

Use of Artificial Intelligence for Environmental Surveillance and Sustainability:

Climate change, pollution, deforestation, and loss of species are arising more and more frequently all over the world. It has, therefore, become important to assess the environment and ensure that conservation measures are taken. These environmental problems have continually threatened the environment, but with the recent AI development, there is a chance to solve them efficiently.

AI means machines that are capable of reproducing activities that require the intelligence of a human being in the reproduction of their tasks, including vision, speech, and decision-making. In environmental applications, AI can perform large and often complicated computations in a shorter period to develop patterns and generate new and unique approaches that may be difficult to discover using conventional calculations.

Environmental Monitoring with AI:

The literature survey reveals that different AI approaches are employed in different phases of environmental monitoring, such as data acquisition, representation, and analysis.

Remote sensing techniques such as satellite imagery and aerial photography are some of the most important sources of data on alteration in the environment. Image data and analysis are areas that AI can easily address through computer vision analysis. For example, deep learning algorithms can predict land cover types, define the geography of change, and reflect the features of vegetation, water, and human structures.

Modern technology that uses wireless sensor networks to capture field data in real-time, like pollution levels and soil characteristics, is prevailing. OT, machine learning can identify such abnormalities and trends within these huge, high-velocity data streams. This is followed by the ability to detect emerging threats more rapidly and accurately.

This is because more complex environmental models are needed to explain things such as climatic changes and occurrences like invasions by alien species. Machine learning approaches, including evolutionary algorithms, can enhance these models for better prediction results. Another method that AI supports is ensemble modeling, in which many models are used and coordinated to enhance predictive capacity.

In addition, owing to the ability to connect computer models with historical data, real-time data, satellite imagery, and socioeconomic databases, AI can offer a view of the environmental system.

Artificial Intelligence for Conservation Planning and Management:

AI innovations are supporting conservation in various critical ways: AI innovations are supporting conservation in various critical ways:

Protected area mapping:

For instance, satellite images and other data on the state of flora and fauna can be analyzed by AI to create high-quality maps of environmental objects. This facilitates the best planning of boundaries of the protected areas as well as the wildlife movement corridors that will conserve those species.

Wildlife monitoring:

Conventional methods involve motion sensor cameras; computer vision can analyze such feeds to detect and follow animals. This helps predict population parameters and distribution, which can assist conservation efforts. It is also applied to monitor sound, fly, and track marine mammals and other sea creatures.

Predicting emerging threats:

Using machine learning models and evolving measures, predicting the relative likelihood of a trajectory of harm to the environment before it escalates, for example, in the prevalence of invasive species or in extreme pollution episodes, is possible. Contemporary knowledge allows for preparing preemptive interventions.

Enhancing ecosystem health:

Computerized imitation of intricate eco dynamics allows for a better understanding of the restoration of biomes and lands that have been adversely affected by human interference. Some of the possible applications of AI are in the simulation of keystone species reintroduction and the use of AI in developing habitat restoration programs.

Combating poaching and illegal logging: Combating poaching and illegal logging:

The AI uses acoustic sensors that can detect sounds such as gunshots or chainsaw sounds from a distance to notify the relevant authorities of potential dangers as soon as they are identified. Computer vision used on satellite imagery also aids in identifying the rate of unlawful clearing and mining.

In a nutshell, AI environmental solutions can address the problem of analyzing the enormous amount of information we have regarding the changing environment to achieve sustainable goals more effectively. However, sustained algorithm innovations and the integration of artificial intelligence in more domains are imperative for making AI beneficial for our world.

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