Mahi Saher
3 min readJun 22, 2024

How one-sided love can affect the other person mentally:

Specifically, one-sided love, also known as unrequited love, depicts a situation whereby one of the parties has affection for the other, but the affection is not mutual. Although they are the ones pursuing a one-sided relationship, to the person involved, it may be a heartbreaking experience. Yet, the adverse psychological effects on the target of unrequited love or the person who is not interested in the romantic interest are ignored most of the time.

Living out a one-way street love can have some adverse effects on the mental health of the person involved in the relationship. This may be feeling guilty, sad or frustrated when one cannot do the same for the other. The person may struggle with how to handle turning down the admirer gently while at the same time having to set personal limits and state that they do not share similar feelings. They may even start doubting themselves or develop some complex of being the one who is not capable of reciprocating the feelings.

When you do not reciprocate such feelings of affection or love, such constant warm embraces, kisses, and other such gestures can make you feel uncomfortable, anxious, irritable or even scared at times. The person may feel that their personal space is being invaded if one does not seem to understand multiple signals or rejection cues. This is why consistently rejecting someone and attempting to keep them in a non-promising state can be draining.

Well on the other hand, receiving numerous SMS messages from a one-sided admirer and being put on an obsessive pedestal is equally uncomfortable as well. Any manifestations of affection can be pretty disturbing if they are perceived as romanticising, clinging or needing, thus causing significant discomfort to the other party or making them worried about the state of mind of the person expressing admiration. It is usually necessary to establish more or less gentle but clear limits when such behaviour is a problem, although this may not work well.

Sometimes, the subject of one-sided affections might begin to isolate themselves socially or be compelled to transfer jobs, family circles or move to another town to escape pressure from their admirer. What may seem soothing and ‘movie-like’ to the person in love may also be shocking, tiring or even scary for the friend, the stranger or the colleague who cannot offer the same level of affection. Sensitivity to both partners in such circumstances is crucial.

Both forms of love, where one person is not reciprocated, have similar impacts on the lover and the beloved, though in different ways.

Thank you for reading.